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Our 'Agile' articles
Daily Standups – An Introduction to Daily Standup Meetings

Daily standups are quick, informative meetings meant to align the team on what each person is working on, and to identiy any blockers.
Agile Ceremonies: Events & Processes in Agile Development

Agile ceremonies are a repeating sequence of meetings a scrum team holds. They ensure the team is moving in the right direction and always improving.
The Cost of Missing Acceptance Criteria

QA and development teams waste a lot of time, money and effort if requirements don’t have enough acceptance criteria. Read here how to avoid this situation.
Sprint Demos – The Benefits to Agile & QA Teams

Sprint demos are regular meetings to inform stakeholders on progress. Inviting cross functional roles to demos creates a collaborative sharing environment.
The Importance of Backlog Grooming

Backlog grooming helps keep momentum with product development. A well managed backlog means you can deliver your highest quality work at a good pace.
Agile Test Case Management – Keeping Your Test Cases Lean

Agile test case management may be straight forward, but test cases can easily become obsolete if not regularly managed, we take a look into this further.
Writing Test Cases from User Stories & Acceptance Criteria

Well thought out acceptance criteria can be a tester’s best friend. We look at how to write test cases from the user stories and acceptance criteria.
User Story vs Requirement – What’s The Difference?

User story vs requirement... while similar in nature and often used interchangeably, user stories and requirements are different.
QA Can Speed Up Software Development?

QA might be seen as a road block, but QA can actually help you speed up software development by finding bugs and usability issues early on.
Agile Testing: The Role of QA in Agile

What exactly is the role of QA in agile? What can a tester do to help initiate a cooperative working relationship with the development team?