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Software Testing Blog - Quality Assurance (QA) News & Articles

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Types of Test Cases in Software Testing

Types of test cases

There are many different types of test cases in software testing. Each type of test case helps us target software testing in a different way.

Levels Of Testing In Software Engineering

Levels of testing In software engineering

The software development lifecycle involves various types of testing. In this post, we discuss the four levels of testing in software engineering.

iOS Testing Tools: A Beginner’s Guide

iOS testing tools

We take a look at some useful iOS testing tools which you may want to consider next time you are testing an iOS applicaiton.

What is Cross Browser Testing? – A Short Intro

Cross browser testing tools

What is cross browser testing? It's a testing technique that helps ensure your software works well on all browsers. This post explains more.

What Is A Test Case In Software Testing?

Test case In software testing

There are many terms in the software testing world. Some of them sound the same and share similar functions. So, what is a test case in software testing?

The Importance of Steps to Reproduce a Bug

Steps to reproduce a bug

Taking time to document the steps to reproduce a bug is crucial to getting the issue resolved quickly. We look further at why these steps are important.

Performance Testing – Testing for Speed, Stability, and Scalability

What Is Performance Testing

Nobody likes using a slow application. Performance testing is necessary to make sure your application runs quickly, is stable, and can scale.

Writing Test Cases from User Stories & Acceptance Criteria

Creating test cases from acceptance criteria

Well thought out acceptance criteria can be a tester’s best friend. We look at how to write test cases from the user stories and acceptance criteria.

What is Usability Testing? (With Example)

What is usability testing

What is usability testing? The goal here isn't to teach you specifically how to conduct testing but instead, we introduce you to the topic with an example.

User Story vs Requirement – What’s The Difference?

User Story vs Requirement

User story vs requirement... while similar in nature and often used interchangeably, user stories and requirements are different.

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