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Release Notes Tools List

Release notes drive software engagement and improve team and customer communication. Here's a list of useful release notes tools.
What is Functional Testing? – A full guide

Functional testing is a kind of black box testing used for confirming that an application or system’s functionality behaves as expected.
What is Non-Functional Testing? – All you need to know

What is non-functional testing? It’s a test method for ensuring a system delivers on user expectations, such as does it load fast enough?
ETL Testing; What is it and When is it Used?

ETL testing is used for assessing the integrity and consistency of data held in data warehouses, which are useful assets for decision-making.
Top Requirements Management Tools List

Check out our list of the top requirements management tools to find the best one to deliver the right support for your team’s needs.
Compatibility Testing – An Introduction

For applications to work smoothly across various platforms they must be compatible. Here we discuss the importance of compatibility testing.
Top Free Test Case Management Tools List

There are many test management tools that cost money to use but if budget is your focus, take a look at these free test case management tools.
Destructive Testing – How to Tear Apart a System

Software can crash when users do something designers didn't anticipate. Destructive testing aims to break a system to learn from the results.
Common Software Testing Mistakes

Too often, software projects fail because of common software testing mistakes. Find out what they are, and how you can avoid making them too.
HTML Validation Testing: An Introduction plus Tools & Tips

HTML validation testing checks code syntax to ensure web pages appear and behave as intended. This post lists some useful tools and tips.