Testing Process


Our 'Testing Process' articles

What is Test Planning in STLC?

Test Planning STLC

Test Planning in STLC is the second step in the software testing process. A test plan keeps testers on track and is vital step in testing.

Software Testing Myths – Facts or Fiction?

Software testing myths

Knowing the difference between Software Testing Myths and truths is vital for releasing high-quality products and having a fulfilling career.

What is Requirement Analysis in STLC

Requirement Analysis in STLC

Requirement analysis in stlc is the vital first step that defines what is expected of a product and confirms agreement between all parties.

Test Debt – What is it and Why it Matters

Test Debt

Test debt is extra time needed to clear a testing schedule backlog that can be caused by poor planning, expediency or a lack of resources.

A Guide to Compliance Testing

Compliance Testing Guide

All products benefit from quality testing before release, but some require compliance testing to ensure safety, security, or legal adherence.

STLC (Software Testing Life Cycle) – Overview & Phases

Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC)

The Software Testing Life Cycle helps testers to structure and organise their testing process. Each STLC stage has entry and exit criteria.

An Overview of the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

Software Development Life Cycle

Our overview of the software development life cycle explains how the SDLC gives structure and direction to the software development process.

Verification vs Validation – What’s the difference?

Verification vs Validation

In software testing, verification vs validation can be confusing, but we need to understand because both processes have different purposes.

Testing Mind Maps – An Introduction

Mind Maps

Mind maps are a visual way of breaking down a big problem into more manageable units. Testing mind maps are used by QA to plan testing.

Software Testing Basics – A Beginners Guide

Software testing basics

Software testers need to know software testing basics like the seven principles of testing and the STLC. This post will help you to begin.

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